What’s ArtsManaged?

ArtsManaged Field Notes is a weekly newsletter by E. Andrew Taylor exploring professional practice in Arts Management. Every Tuesday morning brings fresh insight or inspiration on working better, smarter, and more compassionately in the business of arts and culture.

Field Notes is one of three online resources in the ArtsManaged initiative. The ArtsManaged Field Guide offers an evolving, connected, and free online textbook. The ArtsManaged YouTube Channel presents short videos on managing arts and culture.

The goal of the ArtsManaged initiative is to build and grow free and useful resources for arts professionals to advance their impact.

Why Subscribe?

A fresh ArtsManaged Field Note is posted each Tuesday morning. Subscribe to get each post sent to your inbox, and never miss a missive. Subscription is free, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

To get a taste for what you’re in for, check out five of my most popular posts:

  1. The beautiful budget
    Don’t be fooled by its buttoned-up appearance. A budget is a complex work of human expression worthy of complex human attention.

  2. Why do we “hire” an arts experience?

    “Jobs to be done” shifts focus from who might buy a ticket to what they want that ticket to buy.

  3. Churn, baby, churn

    Attracting new audiences to your arts organization is essential, but 80 percent of them may never return.

  4. The pyramid and the wheel

    Johan Galtung defined two structures for human interaction: thin-and-big (the pyramid) or thick-and-small (the wheel). Which describes your organization? And is it the right one?

  5. The undertow of overhead

    Indirect costs for nonprofit arts organizations aren't (usually) a sign of waste. They're part of the puzzle that makes the mission work.

Who’s Doing This?

The ArtsManaged Field Notes, Field Guide, and YouTube Channel are written and produced by E. Andrew Taylor, Director and Associate Professor of Arts Management at American University in Washington, DC.

Subscribe to ArtsManaged Field Notes

Weekly insights on management practice in arts and culture. Seeking a human and humane approach to making art work.


Andrew brings three decades of insight and inquiry to improving professional practice in the arts. Director and Assoc. Professor of Arts Management at American University, he consults for cultural, educational, and support organizations worldwide.